Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Quotes fromDistrict leaders

What most excites me about my District role

Having the opportunity to meet new people through visiting all the clubs in my area and providing encouragement, support and guidance for each of them.
Kevin O'Reilly
Being involved in easySpeak has helped me understand more about the District and the roles that people do. It's great to meet new people, who become good friends.
Tanya Barad
Being the Finance Manager gives me something interesting to do and learn. I get the opportunity to work as part of a strong team and network with other people.
Andra Popovici, Anthony Phelan
I enjoy seeing how clubs develop and work, supporting them in different ways working as part of a team
Julie Kenny
It's great to meet other Toastmasters in the area and to get to know amazing speakers and leaders
Paul Walsh
Meeting lots of new people and helping them with their questions.
Matty Behan
It's the opportunity to help other people learn and grow. Club growth is focused on helping more people discover how Toastmasters can help them. If we do it well then we enable our clubs, members and District officers to get the most out of their Toastmasters experience
Steve Campion
It’s an opportunity to give back to an organisation that has helped me to grow in so many ways. I am always excited to meet members and see them grow on their Toastmasters journey. I am especially excited at the prospect of leading the District 71 to distinguished status, especially in Toastmasters' 100th year.
Elizabeth Jordan
I love the challenge of being involved in initiatives I would not normally encounter in my current career. I also really enjoy the camaraderie and team spirit at the DLT level along with learning new skills from the Leadership Team.
Mairead Dillon
Just seeing what all the different clubs have to offer. Each club is unique and has their own culture within Toastmasters so it can be an eye opener.
Nicholas O'Neill
Helping other Toastmasters build their confidence and teach them new skills.
Eric Downey
I am so passionate about toastmasters. I enjoy being Area Director because I love being so close with my clubs and I love that I get to be a part of my clubs development and growth.
Paige Skelton
As Area 27 Director I always find it a great pleasure, indeed an honour to visit the clubs in my area, listen to their ideas and concerns and hopefully respond in a positive way that is both enlightening and energising. I always use the opportunity to share ideas and new approaches.
Tom Flynn
What most excites Angela about her role within Toastmasters is the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the growth and development of both individuals and clubs. Angela finds immense satisfaction in helping others unlock their full potential and watching them flourish in their personal and professional lives.
Angela Afieghe
Opportunity to improve my leadership and management skills and an opportunity to meet interesting and experienced leaders
Sergey Udaltsov
I am enjoying my District Role as Area Director Area 33. Most excited about the opportunity of meeting many more Toastmasters while visiting the clubs in the area, and during District Training, Communicating regularly with Club Presidents and other members enabling them to enjoy their Toastmasters experience also.
Patricia Gray
Being the Zoom Lead gives me the opportunity to work with other District Leaders. It has encouraged me to stretch my capabilities and work internationally in alternative Districts beyond District 71. I also love how technology is constantly evolving and delivering new ways and means of communicating and engaging with members.
Sarinca Janga
The realization that every day is a new day and a new learning experience opportunity. As one door or chapter closes another opens.
David Clinton

What I would say to someone considering a Toastmasters leadership position is....

I have learnt a lot about myself as a person and a leader taking on this role. At times it has been challenging but it has stretched me to learn new things and become a better person and leader. You get as much out as you put in. If your motivation is to really help people, not just yourself, you can do this with people who really need and are grateful for your help. You’ll also be amazed what you personally receive from the role.
Kevin O'Reilly
You will learn that you're able to do things that you never thought about and uncover natural skills.
Tanya Barad
Go ahead and do it. Commit to the role, and don't wait
Anthony Phelan
Just do it! Ask people who have done the role to find out more about it. Expect a lot of fun, a bit of work and feeling fantastic about the way that you develop
Julie Kenny
That they should give it a go!
Paul Walsh
That being a club officer gives you the skills and experience that can help in work and professional life
Matty Behan
That it will be a great adventure! Although many of us joined Toastmasters to develop confidence and communication skills, it's the opportunities for leadership development that can truly unlock your potential. If you can commit to the role, are willing to learn and are keen to help others, then taking on Toastmasters leadership roles can transform your life
Steve Campion
Stand up, step up and put your hands up. You will give a lot and you gain twice as much. You gain skills, you gain access to a wider network, and you grow as a person. Most importantly, you have the opportunity to help build a legacy for future Toastmasters to enjoy the benefits that we enjoy today.
Elizabeth Jordan
A leadership position in Toastmasters gives you a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow. By the end of your term, you will not believe how much you have progressed and achieved.
Mairead Dillon
Just do it, put your hand up and go for it as it is a fantastic opportunity for growth and development.
Nicholas O'Neill
I would definitely recommend doing a leadership role in the organisation as you increase your knowledge and skills as well as meeting members from the Area, District and Division. Full of helpful and friendly people.
Eric Downey
Absolutely do it. It is so rewarding. I genuinely enjoy my role so much and you get to talk to and meet so many new and interesting friends.
Paige Skelton
Don't just be content with a club Officer role though that is very important to and for the life of a club. Rather set your sights on a far wider horizon where your learned skills will be utilised but more importantly you will gain new leadership skills that you can apply not only at club level, but also in your place of work and community.
Tom Flynn
To anyone considering a Toastmasters leadership position, Angela would wholeheartedly encourage them to seize the opportunity. She believes that Toastmasters provides a nurturing platform for honing leadership skills, fostering personal growth, and building lasting connections. Angela's advice is to embrace the journey, be open to learning from others, and relish the invaluable experiences that Toastmasters offers. She firmly believes that stepping into a leadership role within Toastmasters can be a transformative and enriching experience that opens doors to a world of self-improvement and empowerment.
Angela Afieghe
That is a challenging but exciting option, and should be given serious consideration. It is still a safe environment (like everything in Toastmasters) where you cannot fail but you can gain experience, you can gain more confidence, you can win some chance for serious personal development and growth.
Sergey Udaltsov
Consider taking on a Leadership role in your club to begin with, this will help you to learn more about Toastmasters and gain more Self-Confidence, it is an opportunity to attend more meetings, gain more Leadership and Communication Skills and these skills can also help you in your chosen career as well as in your club.
Patricia Gray
This is your moment, take that leap of faith, it will inspire you to greatness. Always grant yourself new learning opportunities, particularly those who have no technical background or even if you possess some knowledge in the technology space.
Sarinca Janga
Feel the fear but do it anyway to paraphrase an oft used quote. You are far more capable than you imagine. Discover untapped skills that may become your newfound strengths. The world has no limits except those in our minds.
David Clinton