Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Toastmasters Talk - the District Newsletter

Toastmasters Talk issue 12

Messages from the District Director and Administration Manager, the results of District elections and speech contests, centennial resources .. and much more!

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Toastmasters Talk issue 9

Message from the District Director,
Region 10 Advisor visits District 71,
Early conference registration, Webinar replays, Recognition, 100 Voices, Dates for your diary

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Toastmasters Talk issue 8

Message from the District Director,
Region 10 Advisor visits District 71,
Early conference registration, Webinar replays, Recognition, 100 Voices, Dates for your diary

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Toastmasters Talk issue 7

A Message from the Club Growth Director, events around the District, anniversary celebrations, Division contest photos and results .. and much more!

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Toastmasters Talk issue 6

A Message from the Program Quality Director, an overview of how the District is doing, opening of bids for the 2025 conference, Division Contests, Forthcoming Events, a Shout Out to members, Key Dates & Resources

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Toastmasters Talk issue 5

A Message from the District Director, an overview of how the District is doing, opening of bids for the 2024 conference, Division Contests, Forthcoming Events, a Shout Out to members, Key Dates & Resources

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Toastmasters Talk issue 4

This week’s newsletter has Halloween treats, club growth award winners, news about upcoming training opportunities and Pat Johnson Past International President
Sparks our imagination to find ‘Shining Stars’ among our midst. Plus much more.
It features contributions by James Finnegan, Mairead Dillon, Danny Banks, Athlone Club, Tralee Toastmasters, Elizabeth Jordan & Steve Campion

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Toastmasters Talk issue 3

This week’s newsletter includes highlights from our Hall of Fame event, celebrations from around the District and useful information about contests and special events.

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