Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Patricia Gray

Division S Director

Profile photo of Patricia Gray

Patricia Gray

Division S Director

I joined Dunfermline Toastmasters in 2017, I was a mature student studying with the Open University and had been elected as Area Association Representative for Scotland, I was to be the voice of all the Scottish students at committee meetings in Scotland and in the UK, however I did not have a lot of confidence with public speaking, I was sitting at home one night and received an email telling me about a new club opening in Dunfermline and after receiving more information I decided I wanted to give it a try, went along to the next meeting, I remember feeling terrified as I walked into the room for the first time, however by the end of that meeting I had enjoyed it so much I decided I wanted to join the Club, I delivered my first speech after just six weeks, and received really good constructive feedback, that enabled me to learn and improve for delivering future speeches.

Now seven years on I can speak to larger audiences, have gained a lot of new skills and those skills have enabled me to volunteer with others and help them to gain these experiences as well, I still enjoy learning new skills, I have held many of the  leadership roles in my club and now this year with the District as well as Area Director, and I want to continue my Toastmasters Experience for many more years to come, I believe you are never to old to learn and then you will have  a lot more experience to pass on to others in the future.

My Toastmasters goals I still have to achieve are to complete my first path this year, which I am on track to do, and then in the next Toastmasters year to achieve my Distinguished Toastmaster Award.

To be Successful in this Area Director role will assist me towards that goal.

How I have benefited from my Toastmasters experience
Since joining Toastmasters my life has changed a lot, I have gained much more Self- Confidence, And also Communication and Leadership Skills. I have a met many more people while attending Club meetings, training and other events. Now enjoy organizing events and assisting other members to achieve their goals, encouraging them to take on roles and deliver speeches, it is a fantastic feeling when a new member you mentored completes their path and achieves their goals.

What most excites me about my District role
I am enjoying my District Role as Area Director Area 33. Most excited about the opportunity of meeting many more Toastmasters while visiting the clubs in the area, and during District Training, Communicating regularly with Club Presidents and other members enabling them to enjoy their Toastmasters experience also.

What I would say to someone considering a Toastmasters leadership position is....
Consider taking on a Leadership role in your club to begin with, this will help you to learn more about Toastmasters and gain more Self-Confidence, it is an opportunity to attend more meetings, gain more Leadership and Communication Skills and these skills can also help you in your chosen career as well as in your club.

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