Randy Ekakitie
Division N Director
Randy Ekakitie
Division N Director
Growing up on a farm taught me the power of the HEN philosophy (hard work, enthusiasm
and never giving up) as a tool to achieve pretty much everything in front of you. While I did
not appreciate it at the time, every time I look back, I see the power of HEN at work in
everything I do. It was HEN that drove me to toastmasters over 3 years ago and in particular
Warrington Toastmasters. I was not sure what to expect, but in 3 years I have managed to
navigate from being a secretary to VPE and then president of the club.
I had no ambition of moving on pass that, but in 2023 I had the clarion call and accepted the
role of Area Director for Area 15. Call me crazy or just living the HEN life, but what a journey
it was, and I loved every moment of it. Learnt a great deal out of it and I hope I have given
back to the organization in some way or another. I believe there is a huge correlation
between HEN and the values of toastmasters of Integrity, respect, service, and excellence.
Maybe that is why I find it so attractive.
My time as an Area Director showed me a different side of toastmasters and the values of
toastmasters was evident when I was out and about visiting clubs. I met incredible people
along the way and hope my life was enriched by the various encounters.
Any sensible person will stop there, but my HEN philosophy kept driving me on. Now as
Division N Director, I have the opportunity to work with some fantastic Area Directors and
assistant Division Directors to help shape the future of the Division. One major takeaway so
far, is that of the power of teamwork and collaboration to get things done.