Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Angela Afieghe

Public Relations Manager

Angela Afieghe

Public Relations Manager

Angela embarked on her Toastmasters journey in 2021 at Kildare Toastmasters, marking a rewarding three-year commitment to personal and professional growth. A year later, she extended her Toastmasters experience by joining Toastmasters4Golf.

In tandem with her journey towards effective communication, Angela has assumed leadership roles within the Toastmasters community, both at the club and division levels. Impressively, on just her second meeting, she took on the role of Vice President Public Relations (VPPR) in 2021, demonstrating her dedication to enhancing the club’s communication and outreach. She was elected as President in 2022.

A significant highlight in Angela’s Toastmasters journey came in June 2023 when she was appointed as the Division Director of Division D – Ireland. Angela views this appointment as an immense privilege, as she has the honour of serving the members within this distinct division. She is deeply committed to preserving and advancing the legacy left by those who paved the way before her.

Angela’s academic background is rooted in Electronics and Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Project Management, and Business, holding both a BSc and MBA. Her professional journey has spanned diverse sectors, including Business, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Banking, and Retail in various capacities, such as IT project management, portfolio and program management, business development, change management, and training. Her altruistic spirit shines through her volunteer work with Portarlington CoderDojo.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Angela derives great fulfilment from collaborating with new business owners, aiding them in establishing solid foundations for success.

Outside of her professional and Toastmasters pursuits, Angela’s hobbies include graphic design, travel exploration, meticulous party planning, and indulging in the pleasure of reading.

How I have benefited from my Toastmasters experience
Reflecting on her Toastmasters experience, Angela has benefited immensely from the organization's supportive environment and structured approach to developing communication and leadership skills. She acknowledges that Toastmasters has not only enhanced her public speaking abilities but has also significantly improved her confidence, leadership acumen, and the ability to connect with diverse audiences.

What most excites me about my District role
What most excites Angela about her role within Toastmasters is the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the growth and development of both individuals and clubs. Angela finds immense satisfaction in helping others unlock their full potential and watching them flourish in their personal and professional lives.

What I would say to someone considering a Toastmasters leadership position is....
To anyone considering a Toastmasters leadership position, Angela would wholeheartedly encourage them to seize the opportunity. She believes that Toastmasters provides a nurturing platform for honing leadership skills, fostering personal growth, and building lasting connections. Angela's advice is to embrace the journey, be open to learning from others, and relish the invaluable experiences that Toastmasters offers. She firmly believes that stepping into a leadership role within Toastmasters can be a transformative and enriching experience that opens doors to a world of self-improvement and empowerment.

Contact Angela Afieghe

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