Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

District 71 Two Contestant rule and contest instructions for Areas and Divisions

District 71 will run 4 contests during the Toastmasters Program Year 2022-23

September to November 2022

The Humorous Speech Contest

Table Topics Contest

February to April 2023

The International Speech Contest

Evaluation Contest

District Semi-Finals (8) and Finals (4) of all contests will take place aat the District Conference in Liverpool in May 2023.

The 2022-23 Speech Contest Rulebook is available via this link:

Toastmasters International -2022-2023 Speech Contest Rulebook

Section 3B of the rulebook explains the number of contestants who qualify for the next level of the contests.  At a District Council meeting in May 2015 it was decided that if an Area has four (4) or fewer assigned clubs in good standing, clubs can send the top two (2) winners from each club speech contest to compete at the area speech contest. 

This means that the top two (2) placed contestants advance from the club contests in the Areas listed below to the Area Contests.

Area Contests

* 4 or fewer clubs
AA11, A23
BB13, B17
CC16, C19, C22
FF9, F12, F27
GG25, G41
HA14, A32
JJ7, J57
MM5, M18, M26

Division Contests

At a District Council meeting in May 2015 it was decided that if a Division has four (4) or fewer assigned Areas, Areas can send the top two (2) winners from each club speech contest to compete at the Division speech contest. 

All Divisions have four or fewer Areas, and therefore all Divisions will accept the top 2 placed contestants from each of their Areas.

District Contests

Each of the 12 Divisions will send the top placed contestant to compete in the District Finals at the District Contest at the May Conference.

Division Directors, please complete the Notification of Contest Winners form after each contest: and email the completed form to the Program Quality Director at:

Contest Resources

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