We are now quarter of the way into the Toastmasters Year, a good time to reflect on the progress being made by your members and clubs in reaching their goals.
As Program Quality Director, I have also been reviewing the Q1 data. The Pathways Adoption figures show that many club officers have yet to adopt Pathways. In fact, 30% of club officers fall below the full 100% adoption rate for the committee.
As leaders of the club, your adoption of the Pathways Education Program is not only a great way to encourage club members to do the same, help your club to achieve its DCP goals, it is also a way to achieve your own communication and leadership goals.
The Pathways Community of Practice (PCoP) team is happy to support you with any issues you have, and to help you to work towards achieving 100% adoption rates. Click here to contact us: PCoP email address.
Look out for an invitation to a Pathways Open House Meeting on Wednesday 26th October. Come and bring your questions, ideas and problems to the meeting.
We are here to help!
Elizabeth Jordan, Program Quality Director