Leadership Accomplishments
Selected highlights from this years hall of fame. These have been compiled with contributions from the wider team, DD Elizabeth Jordan, IPDD Brenda Lannon, Admin Steve Campion, Content Creator James Finnegan.
Toastmasters International Awards
District Program Quality Award – Elizabeth Jordan
Excellence in Program Quality Award
International Convention, August 2023
115 Distinguished Clubs for District 71 for UK and Ireland
Select Distinguished Divisions
District 71 recognises that it is the entire team of areas and the team members of each area that make the division a success we would not be able to achieve this without the contributions of the Area Directors and all of the collective members. Your contributions are valuable. It is all about being part of a team, together every one achieves more.
More Teams to Acknowledge
Pathways Community of Practice
150-4-50 Challenge Team – 50th Anniversary DCP Excellence
Nikita Park
John Kelly
Elizabeth Jordan
* PIP Ted Corcoran
Division Director of the Year 2022-23
Area Director of the Year 2022-23