Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Division B Club Officer Training

Date(s) - 21/08/2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Online event:  Register

Outline Agenda

  1. Opening by Division director John Spillane (20 mins)
    1. Announcement of key contest dates & events
    2. Plans to improve division communications
    3. Plans to setup Judges & contest personnel panel
  2. Pathways. Practical guide to using and understanding the system (20 mins -speaker tba)
  3. Distinguished Club Program by Maura Meaney (20 mins)
  4. The general session will be followed by seven breakout sessions on each of the club roles.
  5. Sessions will consist of an initial 10-20 minute presentation, followed by open discussion by all attendees

The training ends when each breakout session has completed its discussions.

The overall training time will vary depending on how long each breakout lasts and how much material they have to cover but expect to spend from 1 hour 20 minutes to 2 hours in total.

We strongly recommend that all committee members attend, even if they have been at earlier training sessions.

More details to follow closer to the event time


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