Date(s) - 03/10/2022
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Online event:
Jim Emery, The Vocal Jim, is a well known educational speaker and vocal coach in Toastmasters District 106.
This seminar is an introduction to voice and vocal delivery techniques for public speakers. It includes fundamentals of voice, communication, building voice awareness, impacts of breathing and posture, optimum use of pitch, resonance, and voice delivery speed, varying the use of diction for different messages, minimizing tension, and maintaining vocal health.
This seminar is interactive with participants experimenting with vocal techniques in contexts similar to those in their everyday personal or professional lives.
Attendees Will Take Away from the Presentation:
1. The five key factors of good vocal production. Demonstrations are given on proper posture, breathing, relaxation, voice registers, optimum pitch, and resonance, with in-class exercises to optimize each of these factors for each student.
2. The seven key vocal delivery factors that affect the effectiveness of your presentation, including diction, breath frequency, use of vowels and consonants for different effects, delivery speed/rhythm, vowel stretching for effect, pauses/silence, timbre and register changes, energy level, and how to chart the climaxes and sub-climaxes of vour talk.
3. Time permitting, the seminar also includes the key factors that affect the health of your voice, including habits while you are speaking such as breathing, pitch variation, shouting, and talking over noise, as well as habits when you are not speaking, including fluids/hydration, smoking, throat clearing/coughing, rest, and exercise
Edinburgh Advanced Toastmasters is an advanced speaking club, chartered by Toastmasters International.
We meet on the second Monday of every month at 7:15pm BST (or GMT)
As an EAT member, you will:
• benefit from the collective experience of advanced members
• receive more focussed evaluations with a three-minute oral evaluation followed by a seven minute open evaluation
• have the opportunity to complete longer projects
• practice advanced Table Topics
• benefit from four minutes of open feedback on your evaluation skills when you are the general evaluator
To become a member, you must have completed at least eight evaluated speeches, either in Pathways or the Toastmaster legacy programme.