Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Wednesday Webinar – Club Officer Role Specific Training

Date(s) - 12/06/2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Online event:  Register

This is an opportunity for you to train for your specific role whether it be President, Vice President of Education, Vice President of PR, Vice President of Membership, Club Secretary or Treasurer . 

The importance of club officer training:


1. Enhance Leadership and Communication Skills
Attending club officer training is an unparalleled opportunity to sharpen your leadership and communication skills. These sessions are specifically designed to equip you with practical strategies and insights that can directly enhance your ability to lead your club effectively. By participating, you’ll gain valuable knowledge on how to conduct meetings, manage club operations, and motivate members, ensuring your club thrives under your guidance. Imagine the impact you can have with a refreshed toolkit of skills tailored to your role!

2. Network and Collaborate with Fellow Leaders
Club officer training brings together passionate and experienced Toastmasters from various clubs, providing a unique environment for networking and collaboration. Engaging with peers who share your dedication can inspire new ideas and innovative solutions to common challenges. The connections you make here can lead to lifelong friendships, mentorship opportunities, and a robust support system. Being part of a community of motivated leaders will not only boost your morale but also empower you to elevate your club to new heights.

 3. Drive Your Club’s Success and Achieve Recognition
As a club officer, your leadership is crucial to your club’s success. Attending training ensures you are well-prepared to contribute effectively to your club’s goals and initiatives. Equipped with the latest best practices and resources, you can drive member engagement, foster a positive club culture, and achieve Distinguished Club status. Moreover, your commitment to professional development will set a powerful example for your members, inspiring them to strive for excellence. Your active participation and dedication to growth can earn your club well-deserved recognition within the Toastmasters community.

By attending the club officer training this week, you not only invest in your personal and professional growth but also play a pivotal role in steering your club towards a successful and rewarding year. Don’t miss this chance to make a meaningful difference.

Pre-register here: REGISTRATION

Attending this session will count as 1 hour  towards your COT requirement.

Please note for this to count towards your Toastmasters DCP you must ensure you attend the full quota of COT training per training period.

There are two COT training periods per year and you need to attend at least 1 hour of Role specific training alongside other COT training options.

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