Date(s) - 10/07/2021
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Online event: Register
Club Officers for the 2021-22 Toastmasters year are invited to District 71 Club Officer Training (COT) on 10th July 2021, to get your new term of office off to a great start.
The training will include sessions on general topics, breakout sessions on specific officer roles and workshops on selected leadership modules.
In order to gain credit in the Distinguished Club Program, a minimum of four club officer roles must be trained during each of the two training periods – in the first half of the year before 31 August 2021 and in the second half of the year before 28 February 2022.
Toastmasters International has updated the curriculum for Club Officer Training. New topics include Club Success Planning, Marketing, Prospective Member Engagement. Member Engagement and Retention, Quality Club Meetings.
To view the agenda and to view additional information in relation to the new topics to be covered please click here:
Experienced Toastmasters and trainers from all over the District will facilitate engaging, interactive sessions to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to succeed in your role, and help your club meet its objectives.