Toastmasters UK North & Ireland

Member Data Check - Bio

Aaron Day

Adrian Herbert

Adrian Lapuste

Akshara Chandrashekar

Alex Knibbs

Alun Rees

Andra Popovici

Andrew O’Connell

Angela Afieghe

Angela embarked on her Toastmasters journey in 2021 at Kildare Toastmasters, marking a rewarding three-year commitment to personal and professional growth. A year later, she extended her Toastmasters experience by joining Toastmasters4Golf. In tandem with her journey towards effective communication, Angela has assumed leadership roles within the Toastmasters community, both at the club and division levels. Impressively, on just her second meeting, she took on the role of Vice President Public Relations (VPPR) in 2021, demonstrating her dedication to enhancing the club's communication and outreach. She was elected as President in 2022. A significant highlight in Angela's Toastmasters journey came in June 2023 when she was appointed as the Division Director of Division D - Ireland. Angela views this appointment as an immense privilege, as she has the honour of serving the members within this distinct division. She is deeply committed to preserving and advancing the legacy left by those who paved the way before her. Angela's academic background is rooted in Electronics and Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Project Management, and Business, holding both a BSc and MBA. Her professional journey has spanned diverse sectors, including Business, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Banking, and Retail in various capacities, such as IT project management, portfolio and program management, business development, change management, and training. Her altruistic spirit shines through her volunteer work with Portarlington CoderDojo. Beyond her professional pursuits, Angela derives great fulfilment from collaborating with new business owners, aiding them in establishing solid foundations for success. Outside of her professional and Toastmasters pursuits, Angela's hobbies include graphic design, travel exploration, meticulous party planning, and indulging in the pleasure of reading.

Ann Gibson

Anne Brady

Anthony Phelan

Anthony joined Toastmasters in 2015 as he was looking for a new hobby in his local community. He works as a physiotherapist. He lives in Waterford, Ireland. He loves road trips, particularly in Scotland, Wales and the USA.  He has driven route 101 on the California coast between Los Angeles and San Francisco three times and has also driven coast-to-coast across Canada, covering 8000 in 32 days.  

Asma Riaz

Bhupen Sahu

Bob Ferguson

Brenda Lannon

Callum Gillett

Catherine Ryan

Celine Pulikkal

Charles Malone

Cian Doorley

Claire Downie

Danny Banks

Darren Walton

David Clinton

David joined Toastmasters in November 2016 after watching and listening to a Toastmaster friend deliver a humorous speech at a club meeting. He was looking for a new interest in his local community relating to creative writing opportunities and saw that Toastmasters might be interesting. He works in a variety of capacities as a children's entertainer, children’s events Manager, Manual Handling Trainer, and guest speaker. He lives in Athgarvan in Newbridge Co Kildare, “a stone's throw” as they say from The Curragh plains with his wife Mary and two sons Josh and Oliver.  

David Ryan

Declan Brophy

Derek Walsh

Derval Duggan

Dolores Brady

Dominic Bascombe

Donagh Mckeown

Donie Dee

Eamon McPartland

Eileen O’Neill

Eileen is a senior leader in Enterprise Ireland, an Irish semi state body which supports Irish owned enterprises to start, develop and innovate in Global Markets. She was one of the founding members of EI Toastmasters in 2016. She likes to keep fit with running and regular visits to the gym and completed the Dublin City Marathon in 2024. Eileen is married in Dublin with three adult children. Originally from Monaghan, Eileen noticed that her home county was one of only a few in Ireland that did not have a Toastmasters club so she linked up with some other Toastmasters with a Monaghan background and together they chartered Monaghan Toastmasters, the only community club to charter in the first Covid year, 20/21. She was Division C Director in 2019/20 and managed the transition to online meetings for clubs in the Division and a very successful end of year Divisional Recognition Event. In 2020/21 Eileen joined the District 71 Leadership Team as Finance Manager and continued this role for a second year. During this time she introduced a new process for claiming incentives and opened a District store based in Northern Ireland where members could easily spend incentives earned and buy Toastmasters shop items with a fast turnaround time. During her time as Finance Manager Eileen project managed the production of Ted Corcoran's book "The History of Toastmasters in the UK and Ireland" and hosted a high profile launch of the book in Dublin in 2022. She says that she hasn't yet discounted the possibility of a wider launch at a future date! Eileen was awarded Toastmaster of the Year in 2021/22 in recognition of the many projects she managed during that year. Eileen strongly believes that Toastmasters is a powerful program for helping people to overcome their fear of speaking and believes that organisations could very successfully establish a club in support of their employee development program and this will be a key focus for her as leader of the Bright Sparks team in 2024/25.

Elizabeth Jordan

Elizabeth joined Toastmasters 13 years ago as a member of Hertfordshire Speakers in the UK. She remains a proud member of this warm, friendly and successful club. She is often heard to say that she was ‘made at Hertfordshire Speakers’. Alongside her communication journey, Elizabeth has stepped up and undertaken leadership roles at club, area, division and District level. She joined the District 71 leadership team as Public Relations Manager (PRM) in 2020. She continued to serve as Club Growth Director and Program Quality Director. In May 2023, she was elected Director of District 71 - UK North and Ireland. She feels hugely privileged to be of service to the members of this wonderful district and to continue to build on the legacy of those who came before her. Elizabeth’s academic background is in research chemistry (BSc, PhD). She and has worked in Fortune 500 companies in research, product development, marketing, change management and project and program management. She has served in her local community including as a  volunteer for the Samaritans, as Chair of Trustees for a London-based educational charity and a Churchill Travelling Fellow. She enjoys many hobbies including reading, walking, socialising and bootcamp classes.

Eric Downey

I am an advisor in a call centre and previously in pharmacy management before I retired.
I am a member of Toastmasters since Nov 2002.
I have served in may roles up to and including Division A Director.
I also became a Distinguished Toastmaster in 2021
I have huge confidence in myself now which developed over the years in Toastmasters and used this speaking and leading talent in my local Chamber of Commerce, the Church and Credit Union.
This year I am Area 23 Director in an Area outside or my home club and looking forward to revitalising clubs and possibly setting up a new club.

Ernold van Bueren

Femi Olulaja

My name is Femi Olulaja, I joined Toastmasters 1st of December 2019. My home club name is Leicester City Speakers.
I love travelling, reading, speaking, playing Badminton, Table tennis, piano, great lover of music, the genre depends on my mood 🙂
Student of school of life and knowledge and always willing to learn and gain new skills.
How have you benefited from your Toastmasters experience?
My Toastmasters experience has gained me enormous confidence in my public speaking, articulation, impromptu speaking, cherry on the cake is it has offered me numerous opportunities to volunteer in so many roles, gain experience in leadership roles.
What most excites you about your District role?
Looking forward to see clubs in the division continue to achieve excellence and seizing the opportunities to grow more clubs.

Fungai Mtisi

Gareth Roberts

Gearoid Murphy

Ged Byrne

George Moroiu

Georgina Hodgkinson

Gerry Dunn

Helen Orlandich

Igoe Brendan

Imma Ndey

Jackie Hill

James Finnegan

James is a Husband, Father and Grandfather, Writer, Actor and Community Activist. He has a background in Coach, Tutor and Referee Education, Training and Development with UEFA, the Football Associations of England and Ireland and Coaching Ireland at all levels from Grassroots to Elite International levels. He joined Tralee Toastmasters in October2019 and has covered all Club Officer Roles. He was Club President and Area B36 Director in 2022/23 and Division B Director in 2023/24. In 2021 he was a member of the Conference PR Team. As a member of the Growth Academy in 2022, he was Club Coach Education Chair. In 20/23 he was Corporate Club Education Chair and in 2023 he was Conference Program Chair. He has completed the Motivational Strategies (2022) and Leadership Development (2023) Pathways. He was District 71 VPPR of the Year in 2020/21 and in 2024 he was awarded the District 71 “Above and Beyond Award”

James Hurford

James O’Dowd

Jamie O’Shea

Jennifer Doyle

Jennifer Elevique

Jillian Geraghty

John Allsop

John Cox

John Kelly

John Kendall

Jolanta Drygas

Julia Martineau

Julia Martineau joined Toastmasters in 2018. In 2023 Julia relocated and joined her current club Dundee.  Julia has been secretary and sergeant at arms at Dundee and in 2023/24 Julia was President of Dundee Toastmasters and was delighted the Club, for the first time, achieved the President’s Distinguished Award. Julia is Club Coach for Perth alongside her role this year as Area Director. Julia took up the Area Director role to meet new toastmaters, to share learning and to provide support to other clubs. On a personal level, Julia is looking to develop new skills and gain a new perspective of the Toastmaster organisation.

Julie Kenny

Julie is a member of Ipswich Electrifiers Speakers' Club  

Katuta Lumpa

Kevin Lee

Kevin O’Reilly

Kevin is a mindset and communications coach that specialises in interview coaching.  He uses advanced coaching techniques from his training as a behavioural analyst, an NLP practitioner and Hypnotist to give people hope for the future, courage to overcome their fears now and build confidence beyond what the client believes possible.  He works with individuals on a one-to-one basis and provides workshops for schools and colleges.  In addition, he also works closely with organisations both public and private, who have employees going through efficiency and redundancy processes prepare for the future.  His motivation is to help as many people as he can get the career they want, because he passionately believes that “on the other side of a successful interview is the life you deserve!" He worked for over 20 years as a manager and area manager for a large sports retailer across the UK.  Where he achieved the accolade of achieving a Chartered Manager status for his services and experience in leadership and management through the Chartered Manager Institute. The pandemic gave him an opportunity to do something new.  He re-trained and started his own business ( which focuses improving clients lives through mindset coaching and communication and presentation mastery.  He now also hosts and produces his own podcast “The Interview Jobcast”, where he interviews individuals and organisations around the topic of interviews.   What excites you about your district role? As a president I got the buzz of being able to help the club members develop themselves and grown their confidence.  As an Area Director I got to do that across a complete area of 4 clubs. And now as a Division Director I have the opportunity to help even more clubs and even more people grow and develop into the person they can be, when someone shows them how to get out of their own way.  

Kevin Walsh

Kishore Goshikonda

Kit Barritt

Larry Lyons

Larry Power

Linda Crofton

Liz Welch

Lou Burchall

Mairead Dillon

About me, I am a qualified accountant and project manager, currently working in the HSE (equivalent to the NHS) as an SAP trainer. I am living in Wicklow and married to Aidan. We have 3 wonderful girls and 1 fantastic dog! Toastmasters has been life changing for me, both in my career and personal life. It has opened doors I did not know even existed! I love the role of PQD as I am passionate about training and I know with a little help, all members can achieve their Toastmasters and personal goals.

Mari Manning

Mario Hundertajlo

Mark Bastow

Membership : Portlaoise since 2008, Clane 2016 (Charter Member), Beara 2007 (Charter Member).
Non-Club Offices held: Area 40 Governor 2013/14, Area 40 Director 2023/24, Area 28 Director 2024/25.
Professional Letters: DTM, FCCA, FCT
Employment Status: Resting since 2010. Previously Corporate Treasurer.
Residual Status: UK Citizen happily exiled in County Laois, Ireland.
Interests: Horticulture, Writing (Short stories published in Sins, Sinners, Sinful & Storytellers New Writing from Ireland Anthologies and member of a writers’ co-operative and various writers groups), Bridge.
How have you benefited from your Toastmasters experience?
It has made me more coherent, focused, and tolerant. Made me see the potential in fellow members.
What excites you about your district role?
The challenges excite me in particular how to encourage membership growth and participation in Pathways.

Mary Conlon

Matty Behan

Maura Meaney

Michael McCann

Michele Barad

Michelle Lewis

Mike Keenan

Mike Maunsell

Moira O’Brien

Nicholas O’Neill

Hailing From Cork Nicholas works in medical device sales across the South of Ireland. He is married with 2 chidren. Having joined Toastmasters in 2019 he has gone on to finish multiple learning paths, compete at Division level in speech contests and perform a variety of duties in his home club, Powdermills Toastmasters Ballincollig.
1. How have you benefited from your Toastmasters experience?
"Toastmasters has been one of the best and most rewarding things that I have ever done in my life. In 2019 I walked into a room full of strangers and since then have had the opportunity to meet the widest and most diverse group of friends while still having fun developing speeches and my public speaking and leadership skills in a safe supportive environment."
2. What most excites you about your District role?
As always it is the opportunity to further grow and develop while learning from and working with a wide diverse group of people all who have a common goal to succeed in Toastmasters. Everyone works towards doing their best and delivering on their personal and club objectives.

Nick Collins

Nigel Smith

Nuala O’ Connor

My name is Nuala O Connor, While I’m a native of Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, I spent most of my adult life between Belfast (16 years) and Dublin (20 years). My main degree is in education with a postgrad in developing humanities - focused on community development. I also trained in Kinesiology, Reflexology, Tapping, Coaching and other Energy Healing modalities and built this business up part-time over the years. Around 6 years ago I moved more fully into the field of Coaching and Healing work. I came to Toastmasters in 2019 because I was writing a book about a new Tapping system I had created and my publishing company kept telling me that I needed to be ready to communicate my message. This panicked me a little because a in 2013 I had suffered non-trigger panic attacks and had stress related anxiety. It was Tapping that had cleared those non-trigger panic attacks and that was the reason for the book. I looked for clubs in my area and decided to contact Phoenix-Tara Toastmasters to see if I could go check them out and the rest is history. I am forever saying that I every single encounter offers me opportunity to learn. Toastmasters has been no different. The learning that has come from every single meeting is immeasurable. This year I have decided to launch into my DTM. One aspect of Toastmasters is effective leadership development and to become a DTM I need to lead at District level. While this level of leadership in such a huge organisation does scare me a little, it also seems like the right next step for me. I am excited to be taking on the role of  Area Director for Area 10 in Division C. I am looking forward to visiting the 6 clubs in this area and getting to know some great Toastmasters through the year. I am also looking forward to working with the other 4 Area Directors and Division C Director Olga Byrne through the year and to learning a lot more about this great voluntary organisation that is gearing up for centennial celebrations  - what a great time to be in leadership.

Olga Byrne

Paige Skelton

I joined Toastmasters 7 years ago because my dad thought I needed to gain confidence (and of course, dads are always right!) In my professional life, I work in Recruitment. I have been in the position for 2 years now and I really enjoy it. Orlando travel is my passion. I love anything Disney world and Universal Orlando - so if anyone would like help planning a trip….. call me. ✌🏼

Paschal O’Leary

I was a company director for several decades.
I was good at communicating one on one or by email. I was not comfortable speaking to groups until I joined Toastmasters.
I got the confidence to become an actor. I acted in several productions, some paid and some unpaid.
Following that, I become a director of plays. This involved communicating with large groups of actors and stage crew and making sure my vision came to pass.
As an Area Director I look forward to getting to know the people in the clubs in the Area.

Pat Kenny

Pat Rooney

Patricia Gray

I joined Dunfermline Toastmasters in 2017, I was a mature student studying with the Open University and had been elected as Area Association Representative for Scotland, I was to be the voice of all the Scottish students at committee meetings in Scotland and in the UK, however I did not have a lot of confidence with public speaking, I was sitting at home one night and received an email telling me about a new club opening in Dunfermline and after receiving more information I decided I wanted to give it a try, went along to the next meeting, I remember feeling terrified as I walked into the room for the first time, however by the end of that meeting I had enjoyed it so much I decided I wanted to join the Club, I delivered my first speech after just six weeks, and received really good constructive feedback, that enabled me to learn and improve for delivering future speeches. Now seven years on I can speak to larger audiences, have gained a lot of new skills and those skills have enabled me to volunteer with others and help them to gain these experiences as well, I still enjoy learning new skills, I have held many of the  leadership roles in my club and now this year with the District as well as Area Director, and I want to continue my Toastmasters Experience for many more years to come, I believe you are never to old to learn and then you will have  a lot more experience to pass on to others in the future. My Toastmasters goals I still have to achieve are to complete my first path this year, which I am on track to do, and then in the next Toastmasters year to achieve my Distinguished Toastmaster Award. To be Successful in this Area Director role will assist me towards that goal.

Patricia Kelly

Patricia O’Reilly

Patricia Radley

Patricia has been a Toastmaster since 2018 when she initially joined Cork Toastmasters. As a member of Cork Toastmasters she served as SAA, VPM, VPE. She served as President during the 2020/21 season when the club was online due to the Covid 19 pandemic. That year the Club earned Presidents’ Distinguished Status. Patricia has also served as Assistant Area Director and Area Director for Area 23, Division A. She is currently a member of 3 clubs, Powdermills Toastmasters (currently service as President), Cornerstone Communicators (an online advanced club based in the UK and serving as VPM this year ) and Sunday Speakers a hybrid club in San Antonio Texas where she has served as secretary for the last 3 years. Patricia has been involved in delivering Club Officer Training and training sessions on Pathways and Marketing clubs. She has served on club growth committee and has been involved in providing assistance to members throughout the District on Pathways via one-to-one sessions, training sessions and via the Help Hub and monthly Saturday Trainings. Patricia was honoured to win Cork Toastmasters’ Toastmaster of the Year in 2019 as well as the Division A Toastmaster of the Year in 2022. Patricia loves being involved in Toastmasters and in helping fellow members and clubs to achieve their goals and reach their potential.

Patrick Hynes

Paul Graham

Paul Greenway

Paul McCarthy

Paul Walsh

Paul has been a member of Liverpool City Toastmasters since 2020.

Pauline McCabe

Peter Kieran

Peter McAuley

Phil Heath

Phil Sturgeon

Philip Cooper

Phillip O’Brien

Phillip Vesey

Prince Acquah

Randy Ekakitie

Richard Pilgrim

Rob Partridge

Dr. Rob Partridge, based in the vibrant city of Galway, is a distinguished DTM Toastmaster, passionate LGBTI+ activist, and professional speaker specialising in LGBTI+ history, mental health awareness, and deafness. Living with hearing aids and proficient in multiple sign languages, Rob is a strong advocate for inclusivity and accessibility.
With a career spanning both entertainment and medical fields, Rob brings a unique blend of creativity and empathy to his professional endeavors. Most notably, his extensive experience in the medical sector has enriched his understanding of mental health and well-being, which he passionately shares through various speaking engagements.
In addition to his advocacy work, Rob produces a thought-provoking podcast focusing on body image issues and mental health, providing a platform for open and honest conversations. Whether at a Toastmasters meeting, crafting his next speech, or soaring at 32,000 feet, Rob's dedication to fostering awareness and understanding remains unwavering.
How have you benefited from your Toastmasters experience?
I believe Toastmasters is part of the reason I’ve been successful in my chosen fields. It has given me the ability to craft the perfect speech as well as lead a team to success.
What most excites you about your district role?
I am excited about the networking potential and making new friends as well as working with a dynamic Division Director who is extremely supportive and encouraging.
Social Links
My Fediverse feed:

Ronnie Smith

Ross Donovan

From Cork but living and working in Dublin since 2019, I have been a member of the UDC Smurfit Toastmasters Club since 2020. I have served as VPE and Club President in the past.
I became aware of Toastmasters for the first time while completing my Masters degree".
How have you benefited from your Toastmasters experience?
Toastmasters has helped me improve communication and public speaking skills - a crucial and often overlooked skill.
Like any skill, to improve it requires practice. That is where Toastmasters comes in handy.
I have also met some wonderful people in my club, which I am convinced is the most vibrant and diverse Toastmasters club in our District.
What excites you about your district role?
The opportunity to learn more from other more established clubs with more experienced members. I am also keen to accelerate the growth of Toastmasters among the students.

Sam Ashby

Sam Warner

Sarinca Janga

Sarinca joined Toastmasters in 2016 as she was looking to improve her skillset in public speaking and build greater confidence in leadership roles. She works as an accounting specialist in the financial services industry. She lives in Glasgow, with husband David and her daughter Victoria. She originally hales from Bonaire in the Caribbean and enjoys an annual sojourn back home to family and friends during the Summer.  

Saurabh Gurgule

Sergey Udaltsov

I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I moved to Ireland in 2000 as an IT professional. Joined Tralee Toastmasters in 2013.

Shirley Gallagher

Siobhan Phillips

Somesh Kumar

Stallone Samuel

Steve Campion

Professionally, Steve has a background in IT systems architecture and IT management. He now manages global HR systems for a large hospitality company. He spends a lot of time in Zoom meetings. He is a Distinguished Toastmaster and has served in a variety of roles, including club president, club sponsor and member of the District Leadership Team. He is currently the District's Club Growth Director  

Sudeepto Kushary

Sue Burnett

Sue Sander

I am in my later years and a grandmother of 4 hooligans.  I have been in TM for 22 years and have achieved my DTM twice. The best thing TM has done for me was to give me the confidence to go on stage and perform.  I also used my leadership training in directing shows. In my role this year I would like to have all my clubs achieve President Select Distinguished as I know they have it in them. They are well established clubs and are stars in my eyes.

Tanya Barad

I work as a project manager, mainly in IT. I'm very process oriented and I was sent to Toastmasters by my work because they knew it could help me in my work. It greatly helped me develop in my communication skills and confidence. My mum is also a member of Toastmasters, so we get to do fun things together. I was District Realignment Chair in 2018/19 and Area Director for area 39. I was awarded Toastmaster of the Year at the Toastmasters conference in Norwich in 2019.  

Tim Leech

Tina Norbury

TJ Ruredzo

Tom Flynn

I have been a member of Westport Toastmasters for 13 years. During that time I have filled all the Officer positions. Currently I am Area 27 Director in my second continuous year. Since becoming a member of Toastmasters I have overcome my shyness and progressed to being a competent communicator. I now visit schools in particular talking about and giving "Speechcraft" courses to Transition year students ages from 17 to 18 years of age. I hope this year to be awarded my DTM which would be icing on the cake for me.  

Venice Rowe

Venkatesh Gopalakrishnan

Vesko Petkov

Will Kearney